Frequently Asked Questions

About The Calm Gut App

What is the best way to use the app?

I know that having access to so many different tools can feel overwhelming, so here’s my recommendation on how to get started and where to focus:
  • Explore the Start Here section for a welcome message from me, helpful tips, and a library of FAQs to get you started.
  • Engage with the app daily, especially over the first 6 to 8 weeks, to make it a consistent part of your routine.
  • Incorporate a hypnosis or affirmation session each day. Calm Your Anxious Stomach is a wonderful recording to begin with.
  • Add breathing exercises or mindful body techniques on particularly stressful or anxious days. Diaphragmatic Breathing, Slow Breathing, and Autogenic Relaxation are some of my favourites.
  • Each week explore 1 to 2 techniques from the Manage Thoughts & Emotions section. These exercises and techniques will teach you valuable skills in helping you to better manage unhelpful thoughts and strong emotions, which not only stop you enjoying life but can also trigger gut symptoms.

How quickly will I notice results? 

Results vary for everyone, so it is difficult to give you an exact answer as to when you'll start noticing a difference. While some people see fast results, most people take 6-8 weeks to see significant improvements.

How should I use the hypnotherapy recordings?  

To get the most therapeutic benefit from the hypnosis sessions I recommend listening daily, as hypnosis works best with repetition and consistency.

In addition for the hypnotic suggestions to be most effective, you want to be engaging with them. That means bringing those suggestions to life in the theatre of your mind, vividly experiencing the positive changes as if they're happening right now. In fact, the more you involve yourself in the inner journey, the better it will work for you. This is because hypnosis is something you do rather than something happening to you.

Do I need to listen with headphones? 

Whilst headphones are recommended, they are not necessary, and if you don’t have headphones available or aren’t able to wear them, simply play the session out loud on your phone.

Can I listen to a session more than once a day?

Yes! Absolutely and many people do enjoy listening to more than one session or exercise per day. Of course, if you prefer to listen just once, that’s absolutely ok too.

If you are listening to multiple sessions in a day, a suggestion would be to listen to an affirmation session in the morning, and then a hypnosis session before bed. You can also switch this around based on what feels good to you. There is no golden rule with when and what to listen to, and everyone’s journey inside of this app will be different. So I encourage you to explore the tools, experiment with different times, and create a routine that supports you.

Do I have to sit up while listening? Can I lay down? 

There is no golden rule with whether you should be sitting up or lying down to listen to sessions. Everyone is different and will have a difference preference. However, if you are someone who is prone to falling asleep while listening to hypnosis and meditations, I would suggest you try sitting up right.

Because to get the most therapeutic benefit from the suggestions included within each sessions, you need to be awake and engaging with them. That means imagining bringing those suggestions to life in your mind, vividly experiencing the positive changes as if they're happening right now.

What happens if my mind starts to wander?

This is such a common question and I want you to know that’s it's completely normal for your mind to wander, so please don't worry. When you notice this happening, I want you to just gently bring your attention back to the recording and move forward from there. As you progress and practice, you will find it easier to remove yourself from internal distractions.

About Hypnosis

Can I be hypnotised? 

The answer is yes, absolutely anyone can be hypnotised, and entering into hypnosis is as easy as day dreaming. So if you can day dream or relax your mind in any other normal way, then you can enter hypnosis.

In fact the state of hypnosis is best described as an inwardly focused and absorbed state and is a completely natural and normal state for you to enter into.

Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis is one of the safest techniques available to people of all ages to address a number of common challenges. Safety, responsibility, and integrity are some of my top most priorities at The Calm and Happy Gut. Please be aware that there are certain precautions before using hypnosis & meditations.

IMPORTANT: Do not listen to hypnosis recordings whilst driving or operating heavy machinery. In addition the hypnotherapy recordings are not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including psychosis. The information provided is not intended to diagnose treat or cure any disease or illness. If you are unsure about the suitability of these recordings please consult a medical professional before listening. Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your physician, nurse practitioner, mental health provider or other health care professional. If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health issue, contact your own health care provider promptly.

How does gut directed hypnotherapy work?

In essence, gut directed hypnotherapy works by teaching people how to gain control of physiological responses and symptoms that are not normally under conscious control.

Early studies have suggested gut directed hypnotherapy has both psychological and physiological effects due to the potential mechanisms of action on the gut-brain axis. This is to say, hypnotherapy is thought to physically change the functions of the gut by changing the nerve communications that run between the gut and the brain.

While research has shown that gut directed hypnotherapy produces real physical changes in the body, rather than just helping patients to dismiss symptoms, scientists are not sure exactly how this mechanism takes place – yet. They just know that it works. Here are some examples of what gut directed hypnotherapy has been shown to influence in people with IBS:

Firstly, gut motility: reducing distal colonic motility – that’s how fast waste products move through the colon
Secondly, Visceral sensitivity: improving rectal sensitivity – that’s how nerves in the gut and rectum react to pain and discomfort signals
Thirdly, Immunological effects: preliminary studies have shown that gut directed hypnotherapy may improve immune system function.
And lastly, Central Processing: gut directed hypnotherapy has been shown to normalise central processing patterns of pain signals.

I’m not sure if I was hypnotised? 

Each of us will experience the state of hypnosis differently, and this can also vary session to session. Sometimes hypnosis can feel as though you are in a dream-like state, whereas at other times it can feel as though you are just relaxed and focused.

How is hypnosis different from meditation?

Hypnosis and meditation are distinct practices with different aims and techniques. Hypnosis is primarily used for therapeutic purposes, involving a trance-like state and suggestions to bring about specific behavioral or emotional changes. It is often guided by a trained professional. On the other hand, meditation focuses on cultivating mindfulness, relaxation, and self-awareness. It is typically self-directed, involving techniques like focused attention or observing thoughts without judgment. 

When is the best time to listen to the hypnotherapy sessions? 

Listening to a hypnosis session last thing in the evening is a wonderful way to relax from the day, however if you can start your day with one of these sessions then I would recommend it. It’s a great way to start the day in a calm, focused and balanced way. Experiment with different times and see what works best for you.

What should I do when I fall asleep whilst listening? 

Sometimes deep hypnosis can feel like you are asleep. However, if you're waking up at the end of the session then you may not actually be asleep, and you’ve likely fallen into a deeper state of hypnosis. In this state you will still be absorbing the suggestions given on a subconscious level.

Now, if you don’t hear the count up at the end, you have probably drifted into sleep at some stage. In this case you will probably only absorb the suggestions to the point where you went into a deeper sleep. If you are finding that you falling sleep during sessions, I suggest you listen at a time when you are not tired, and or sitting upright or in a less comfortable chair so you are more likely to stay awake.

About Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

What is CBT?

Simply put it’s a form of psychological treatment which involves looking at the link between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Over the years CBT has become one of the most popular types of therapy, probably because it’s generally short-term, goal-oriented, hands-on and has been proven to work.

How does CBT work for IBS?

Your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and IBS symptoms are all connected. CBT aims to help you to recognise and challenge the unhelpful thoughts and beliefs you have about your symptoms which may be contributing and keeping alive the vicious cycle of IBS.

For example, depending on how you think and feel about your IBS symptoms and your diagnosis, you may pay greater attention to what’s going on inside of your body, and in turn feel more anxious, which actually increases your sensitivity to pain.

A simple analogy of a mosquito bite can be used to highlight the influence of focusing in on a specific area such as your stomach, on heightened sensations such as increase in pain and discomfort. Just like with a mosquito bite the more you think about and focus on the bite, the more it itches. And the more its itches, the more you scratch it, and the redder, sorer and itchier it gets.

How do I ACCESS the content?

The Calm Gut App can be accessed via your phone or web browser.

To access the app if you signed up via the website:
  • Download the app on your mobile phone by searching for "The Calm Gut" or click here.
  • Sign in with the same email address and password you used to set up your subscription

To access the web browser version if you signed up via the App Store or Google Play:
  • Sign in with the same email address and password you used to set up your subscription here.

Can I access the audio library on my computer too?

Certainly. Simply log in to your account at, and you can access your audio library from the web.

I’m having technical problems with the app. What should I do?

Please email the support team at detailing the issues you’re facing, and they’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

How do i cancel my subscription?

If you decide to cancel your subscription, please follow these steps:

If you subscribed via the App Store or Google Play:

  • iOS: Open Settings > Tap your name > Subscriptions
  • Android: Open Google Play Store > Tap the menu icon > Subscriptions

If you are currently on a trial, your trial end date will be shown in your subscription details.

If you subscribed via the Website:
Log in at Select the menu icon (upper right) > My Subscription

If you are currently on a trial, the "Renew on" date will show your trial end date.